Bee Hive Long Bowl

Item Code Pink-14mm-MB-014
AvailabilityIn stock
Experience the Buzz of Flavorful Sessions with the Beehive Long Bowl in Pink Sandblast
Ground Joint14Male
Product Details

3 Bowls 3 $12.50

Vibrant Pink Sandblast Finish

The Bee Hive Long Bowl captivates with its vibrant pink sandblast finish, offering a unique aesthetic that stands out in any collection. This finish adds a pop of color to your bong and provides a matte texture that enhances grip and usability. The pink sandblast technique creates a visually appealing, stylish, and functional effect, making it a favorite among those wishing to add a personality touch to their smoking experience.

14mm Male Fit for Seamless Compatibility

Designed with a 14mm male joint, the Bee Hive Long Bowl ensures seamless compatibility with any bong with a 14mm female joint. This universal fit makes it easy to upgrade your bong with a high-quality accessory that enhances your setup's look and functionality. The precision-engineered fit guarantees a secure, leak-free connection, strengthening the overall smoking experience.

Extended Bowl Design for Longer Sessions

The long bowl design of the Bee Hive accessory allows for a larger packing capacity, enabling extended smoking sessions without the need for frequent reloading. This feature is ideal for those who prefer longer, uninterrupted use, allowing you to immerse in the smoking experience fully. Whether used for personal reflection or shared among friends, the extended bowl capacity makes it a versatile choice for any smoker.

Crafted for Durability and Style

The Bee Hive Long Bowl reflects premium craftsmanship and is made from high-quality materials that ensure durability and longevity. The hand-carved sandblast design adds to the aesthetic appeal and signifies the care and attention to detail that goes into each piece. This accessory is built to last, providing consistent performance and a luxurious addition to your smoking accessories.

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