Extra Filteration Showerhead Glass Ash Catcher

Item Code AC02-90-14male
AvailabilityIn stock
Smooth Hits, Stylish Design: Syfy Glass 14mm 90-Degree Ash Catcher with Showerhead Perc
Glass StyleStandard Glass
Joint Angle90°
Ground Joint14Male
Product Details

3 Pcs 3 $10.00

90-Degree Joint Fit

The Syfy Glass Ash Catcher is designed with a 90-degree joint, making it compatible with water pipes with a straight joint. This ensures a perfect fit and seamless integration with your existing setup.

14mm Male Joint

This ash catcher features a 14mm male joint, suitable for bongs and water pipes, with a 14mm female joint. It provides a secure connection and easy installation.

Built-In Showerhead Percolator

Equipped with a showerhead percolator, this ash catcher enhances smoke filtration, resulting in smoother and cooler hits. The percolator breaks the smoke into smaller bubbles, increasing the surface area for better cooling and filtration.

Durable Glass Construction

Crafted from high-quality, durable glass, the Syfy Glass Ash Catcher is built to withstand regular use. Its robust construction ensures longevity and reliability.

Stylish WIg Wag Rasta Swirls Design

Featuring a vibrant WIg Wag Rasta Swirls design, this ash catcher adds a touch of style to your smoking setup. The colorful pattern looks great and makes your piece stand out.

Pre-Cooler Functionality

In addition to catching ash and debris, this attachment also acts as a pre-cooler, further cooling the smoke before it enters your bong. This dual functionality enhances your overall smoking experience.

Easy to Clean

The design of the Syfy Glass Ash Catcher makes it easy to clean. Rinse with warm water and use a cleaning solution to keep it pristine.

This high-quality glass accessory from the renowned Syfy Glass Brand is designed to enhance the filtration and cooling of smoke in water pipes. It features a built-in showerhead percolator, a 90-degree joint angle, and a 14mm male joint size, making it compatible with a wide range of bongs. The vibrant Rasta swirl design adds a stylish touch to your smoking setup.
The showerhead percolator diffuses the smoke through multiple small holes or slits, creating numerous bubbles. This increases the surface area of the smoke that comes into contact with the water, resulting in better filtration and cooling, providing a smoother hit.
Using this accessory offers several benefits, including keeping your bong cleaner for longer by catching ash and debris before it enters the main chamber, providing smoother and cooler hits due to the additional filtration and cooling from the percolator, and enhancing overall filtration for a cleaner smoking experience.
Yes, this accessory is easy to clean. Regular cleaning with isopropyl alcohol and salt or a specialized glass cleaner will help maintain its performance and appearance. The detachable nature of the ash catcher makes it easy to access all parts for thorough cleaning.
You can purchase this accessory from authorized Syfy Glass retailers, both online and in physical stores. Ensure you buy from a reputable source to guarantee the authenticity and quality of the product.

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